Krona Performance began long before a business license went on the wall or a product rolled down the assembly line. Our roots start on the kitchen floor with micro machines and matchbox cars and in the back yard sandbox with Tonka trucks.
Our Inherent love for cars infused with modern engineering has manifested itself into a performance company geared to create the best for not only our customers, but for our own cars as well.
All of our products are designed and tested on our cars long before they meet the retail market. We have chosen to manufacture our products domestically so that we are able to hand pick the finest materials and follow strict quality standards throughout the manufacturing process. The result is a superior product for your Saab or Ford vehicle accompanied by a lifetime product warranty.
We strive to offer solid and useful tech support on all of our products to ensure customer satisfaction in their decision to choose Krona Performance.
Welcome to the big boy sandbox, we hope you enjoy our toys......er....products- as much as we do :-)